Saturday, August 5, 2017

Tuna Research Reflection

Three years and four days ago I set out on a research project, and since then I have not provided any updates on results.

FYI, Tuna is a reference in the show Great Teacher Onizuka.
In the show, the great teacher has an enormous debt and resolves himself to a year of tuna fishing to pay it off.
In the context of a LDI project, Tuna represents unknown fields that I hope to improve in and such "research" is aimed to deliver answers and results. Tuna Fishing Exploratory Research will be shortened to Tuna Research. Learning never ends, so this project will go on indefinitely.

Here are some recent results{
To solidify my goals: I really liked the concept of being a full stack developer, but I have found it more rewarding to gain experience in backend development. Currently, I am a big data engineer. My eventual goal is solutions architecture with a specialization in big data.

To improve the process of self learning: I have the desire to constantly be improving. The most capable people that I have met, have consistently had the trait, that they were knowledgeable and reliable. I have attempted to emulate and adapt those positive traits. I have come up with a few strategies to optimize the path towards self improvement. Through the use of flashcards, online and offline resources, I have been able to improve more per hour invested than ever before.

To develop a system to track and achieve small to major goals: When I first started out this research project, I aimed to develop an in house task tracking system. This is no longer a priority, having enhanced my personal workflows. I have leveraged the capabilities of Google tasks to the maximum. I have found that I have been able consistently start on and clear goals by listing out my priorities.

To maintain a reproducible development environment: I have optimized, proven and/or automated backup strategies for configurations, and personal workflows. At the present, I have been able to reproduce development environments across multiple machines in a semi manual manner. Current limitations is that configurations are not fully automated. This is an area that can still be improved, through learning Docker and configuration management tools.

To stand up my own virtual environments for development and operations: I have desired to run my own servers for many tasks. I currently have dedicated virtual machines, both local and remotely with services for data storage, version control, domain name resolution, proxying, and virtual networks. I have managed to tune miserable hardware for analytics usage in order to keep my data engineering skills sharp. I plan to migrate it my homelab as I have time.

To achieve cohesive file transfer: One hindrance towards the LDI project acceleration was non-interoperability of internal file systems. To maintain separate Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux environments led to challenges in personal workflows. Taking steps to resolve this issue, I have phased out usage of Windows and OSX in favor of Debian based setups. I have utilized Veracrypt, SFTP & LUKS for encrypted cross system data persistence. The result is that I am able to transfer and securely backup files across any of my personal computers and any remote servers with ease.