Friday, May 30, 2014

Early Summer Updates

This past month has been spent on minor side paths in web development. I've split the development into two sites as of now.

I have purposely not pushed the main website online as there are many things that are not reviewed and edited. I would like to push these changes online by the end of the next month. I've greatly considered creating a homemade blogging system. After a quick cost benefit analysis, however, the current setup was deemed sufficient for now. There are much more important goals that could be worked on. I may implement a proof of concept in the future for learning purposes.

Status of various projects:
  • Tested the current website layout with for writing tutorials.
  • Updated a personal site (as opposed to the "business" site)
  • I practiced git usage through two git profiles and tested against a offline git server. This was done both in eclipse and terminal. The tutorial for egit was not comprehensive and required quite a few extra steps to setup. There did not seem to be much benefits over the terminal.
I have a few things taking up large amounts of time this summer, so development updates may take a hit.