Sunday, April 4, 2021

Reviewing the past decade

Over the past decade, LittleDragonInc has been a personal portfolio that has the outward appearance of a small company's website. 

Putting on rose colored glasses:
  • This portfolio has used in many contexts with satisfactory returns.
  • Indirectly through work, I have fulfilled my initial curiosities of how development, and operations might be carried out in "real world" environments.
Taking off said glasses:
  • The false sense of confidence, and complacency was detrimental in my interview preparations.
  • To the best of my approximation, the portfolio demonstrated herein, such as shown here did not positively impact my most recent job search.
On the content of this blog going forward:

Journaling was helpful in keeping me aligned during the initial trajectory of my career. I don't think the personal posts have been useful even for myself in recent years. This current post is to provide closure on that particular arc.